Traveling is the general movement of individuals between various geographical locations. Travel can generally be done by automobile, foot, bike, car, train, bus, boat, plane, pony or other mode of transport, with or without personal luggage, and is one way or round trips. One way travel is generally a direct movement between two places within a country and often includes rail travel. Round trip travel is a traveling route that goes around the country using major highways or major roads. Rail service is used to connect two points for a limited amount of time such as a railroad station to a destination within a state. Private airports are used for direct flights between major cities and these airports offer travelers the convenience of traveling in a more convenient and relaxed manner.
Anyone who travels has to pass a medical check, security check and probably a self- quarantine period if it’s a lengthy trip, otherwise the person might be held in prison if the traveling party had a contagious disease. There are many things that travelers should prepare themselves for when they are traveling on an international level. While there are no real surprises when it comes to health, travelers should get tested before they leave their home country. Some of the more common ailments that travelers should be concerned about are:
Fungal Agents. Travelers should look out for signs of ringworm in their skin as well as other fungal infections that could spread in any sort of way. A simple test can detect if a traveler has the fungus that causes ringworm and can tell if they are susceptible to getting this fungus from other travelers. The symptoms of the condition include rashes, blisters, and open sores that appear on the feet, hands, and buttocks.
Travel Related Illnesses. The World Health Organization (WHO) provides information on various diseases that can spread in ways that are unknown. For example, traveler’s diarrhea is caused by eating unhygienic food or drinking water that is unclean. This disease can cause dehydration and in some cases, death. Most countries have emergency numbers set up for these types of cases and they recommend travelers to stay home until the matter has been cleared up.
Travel Contamination. If a person travels from one place in the country to another, it’s possible that they could come into contact with an infected person or animal or come into contact with a disease-causing organism while on the road. The risk of this kind of spreading increases if a person travels from a high crime area to a lower, safe area. Public transportation is often a problem during this time and the possibility of spreading can be higher if you’re traveling by train or bus.
Travel Insurance. When people travel from one state to another, they need insurance to protect themselves against risks such as contracting a disease overseas. While there are no statewide restrictions on this type of insurance, the coverage limit for most policies may be less than the limits in a state that has stricter requirements. Some people do purchase insurance before they leave for their trip and others decide not to buy any coverage at all while traveling. However, travel insurance is encouraged for anyone traveling outside the country to protect them against any unforeseen circumstances.